Flatwoods Monster ParaTopiary


Thursday, January 8, 2015

Lighting The Flatwoods Fuse

Lighting The Flatwoods Fuse
by Alfred Lehmberg


Here it is, then: proof positive that while I've "...eaten dead burnt bodies and still have veins in my teeth," I'm just another old softy when you boil me down to my component parts. Indeed, I wouldn't even bring this up but that I had too many witnesses. Caught blubbering like an old pensioner as a result of certain occurrences; however, poignant, I make my report.

Still, so as to put the first efficacious spin on it, thereby, I'll tell you myself, see? I was moved.

Seriously, what brought this blubbery verklempt-ness about... forgetting for a moment the "bodies and veins" of the preceding paragraph and the fact that, properly provoked? I am quite capable of pulling off an offending head and using the resultant neck for a field toilet. A former Senior TAC at the US Army's only Warrant Officer Candidate School, I've made former Navy SEALS, training for an Army Warrant, tense.

Pray, then. What precipitated my teary "verklemptitude (tm)"?

The first "Flatwoods Monster Extravaganza" was held early in the month of September on the 7th and the 8th, 2007. This was a two evening program celebrating the 55th anniversary of one very puzzling night of many puzzling nights, actually—then and since—in a quiet little town of what remains to be decent and hardworking Americans to this day. The town is Flatwoods, West Virginia. The time celebrated was one 12th day of September during the Indian summer of 1952.

Very briefly, reader... and brace. It is not my intent to shock you... but perhaps as a result of an undeclared war with bona fide extraterrestrials involving the United States—let that sink in—there came to be crash-landed an alien craft with at least one seeming occupant, who, before being evacuated near Frametown, WV in a subsequent rescue by fellow ETs (!), provided for an occasion of extreme terror for the brave people of Flatwoods. This was a courage betrayed and followed by decades of specious, unearned, and suspicious ridicule in regard of that terror! Let's keep it real.


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